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Katuka Wikipedia
Babilone: luzâbu ya bandînga
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
zh-Hans-N 简体中文是这位用户的母语
zh-Hant-3 這位使用者有進階水準的繁體中文知識。
kg-0 Mûntu yayi zâba tuba kituba Kôngo ve (to yandi ke kuwaka yawu na mpasi)
Basadi na bandînga

Hi, I am Hydriz. Please visit my userpage on Meta for more information about me.

Wiki statistics

[soba | edit source]
Number of pages 3,729
Number of articles 1,456
Number of uploaded files 0
Number of registered users 11,707
Number of active users 24
Number of admins 1
Number of total edits 47,338